Sunday, 6 April 2008

Igor-ish Rant Fragment

"Well, you're still alive and breathing - which has to be a bonus in anyone's books - so, you must have something of value to him after all. By the looks of you though, he wasn't entirely happy so rest up, and let's see if I can help while away the hours until he comes back."

"Where's he gone? Ah, all in its own time I think. Now, let me check those manacles and we'll begin. Let's see - driver's license, insurance, library card - doesn't really match the gothic rebel look you've adopted there does it?"

"Right, we've a lot to get through before dawn, so I'm going to replace the gag, like this... and now we're ready."

"Oh stop moaning, those knives aren't meant for you - what do you take me for? Some mindless slavering Igor with a hard-on for torture and mutilation?"

"Pah, you make me cringe with embarrassment - setting yourself up as a creature of the night; aping things you've never seen for yourself; and then going back to show off your latest act of token rebellion to your addle-brained halfwit friends. But let me tell you something - I've seen and heard them afterwards. They think you're a flake and can't wait for you to go away."

"Well, perhaps tonight we can arrange that for them, one way or another..."

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Rambling Block Break

And now, what? Do we wait for chaos to arise once more, casting underfoot the measured strictures of happy order; or instead take up the challenge implicit in such enterprises and strike at them in our own time and way? If there is to be dynamism and change, better it be directed than allowed to overcast all that it surrounds.

The danger is in the extremes. Too much order, and too much chaos. Both in the end stifle the creative and shackle the reason. One should not exist without the other - this is a maxim often repeated - but the true discussion and debate comes in the attempt to fight the urge to merely choose the median point. True neutrality is an impossibility to the rational mind and the sensitive heart alike - for while the attempt to choose not to choose can be seen as admirable, it merely acts as a signpost of the chooser's unwillingness to declare for one or the other. That way lies apathy and the death of the soul inherent in that path.

Make the choice. Neither one path or the other is wrong in itself. It is merely a choice of methodology. It is the results of that choice - what you choose to do - that counts...

Thursday, 3 April 2008

warfare fragment

The air seemed to thrum in the aftershock. All around, trees were bent and split, with isolated brush fires burning despite the generally soggy undergrowth. He laughed and coughed a moment later from inhaled smoke, an implanted gland quickly generating fluids to compensate.