Sunday, 6 April 2008

Igor-ish Rant Fragment

"Well, you're still alive and breathing - which has to be a bonus in anyone's books - so, you must have something of value to him after all. By the looks of you though, he wasn't entirely happy so rest up, and let's see if I can help while away the hours until he comes back."

"Where's he gone? Ah, all in its own time I think. Now, let me check those manacles and we'll begin. Let's see - driver's license, insurance, library card - doesn't really match the gothic rebel look you've adopted there does it?"

"Right, we've a lot to get through before dawn, so I'm going to replace the gag, like this... and now we're ready."

"Oh stop moaning, those knives aren't meant for you - what do you take me for? Some mindless slavering Igor with a hard-on for torture and mutilation?"

"Pah, you make me cringe with embarrassment - setting yourself up as a creature of the night; aping things you've never seen for yourself; and then going back to show off your latest act of token rebellion to your addle-brained halfwit friends. But let me tell you something - I've seen and heard them afterwards. They think you're a flake and can't wait for you to go away."

"Well, perhaps tonight we can arrange that for them, one way or another..."

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